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‘Big Brother 25’ Day 13 and 14 Live Feeds: A Dramatic POV Ceremony and a Flip That Seemingly Flopped

Writer's picture: Sarah TalksSarah Talks

Cirie Fields and Izzy Gleicher conversing in the Big Brother storage room
Cirie Fields and Izzy Gleicher/Big Brother live feeds

Here's what went down on Days 13 and 14 (Monday, Aug. 13 and Tuesday, Aug 14) of the Big Brother 25 live feeds!

For the last 48 hours, we have witnessed a super storm of vote flipping, blindside planning, and so much waffling that you would think we were at an IHOP. Every time we would try to put something concise together, the information would become outdated because of another dramatic shift or change. So let's break it down.

When the feeds returned from the Veto Ceremony on Monday, the entire house was talking about Hisam's speech, and NOT in a good way. From what we have gathered from the feeds, Hisam was very pointed at Reilly in his speech and told the whole house to vote her out. Hisam was also seen going on an apology tour of sorts. He said he immediately regretted it as soon as the ceremony was over, but by then the house all had bad tastes in their mouth about it.

Izzy was one of the most vocal critics of the speech and how Hisam is conducting his reign as Head of Household (shocker). We then began to see MANY conversations around the house about how tacky Hisam's speech was, and how bad everyone felt for Reilly. Some houseguests even discussed potentially backdooring Hisam next week, should they come into power.

During a conversation in the hammock, Cory encouraged Reilly to work on Cirie and Izzy, and if she does, there is a shot she could stay. Reilly eventually listened to this advice and began talking to Cirie, who agreed that Reilly staying would be better for her game. However, Cirie informed her that she needed to get Izzy on board. Most of Monday was working on flipping Jared and Izzy, and by the end of Monday, it was a success. However, Meme voiced major concerns about alienating him too soon, and noted that Hisam is currently a shield and competitor for their side at the moment.

Tuesday was much of the same. However, the pressure was amplified following a conversation in which Hisam told Cory that Reilly put him in this position, and drew lines in the sand with competitors on one side and him on the outside. He expressed these same sentiments to Jag and Blue, as well. Hisam also told Cory that Cory's name had been brought to him several times from "that side of the house." It is unclear which side he was referring to, but it struck Cory enough to talk to Cirie and Izzy about it.

Later in the day, Cirie and Izzy weighed the pros and cons of Reilly staying, and if Cory was truly aligned with them. (If Reilly stays, what if she pulls Cory? Then it would be her, Cory, Matt, Jag, and Blue.) Coincidentally, IN WALKED CORY. The timing was perfect! Cory then informed them about his conversation with Hisam, in which Hisam seemingly suggested that he was "stuck" with Izzy and Cirie's side of the house and didn't choose to work with them, nor does he see them as true competitors. This INFURIATES them.

By this point, the flip was green-lit. Next, they needed to work on Meme. Bowie was already on board with the plan, but expressed hesitation about using a potential power she may be granted in the Nether Region against Hisam's wishes. Hisam told her if she gains the power to veto a vote, to use it on Matt. But with a potential house flip, Bowie would need to use her power (if she gets one) on Red, who is aligned with Cameron.

The Professors alliance celebrating with a toast in the Head of Household room
Cameron Hardin/Big Brother live feeds

Izzy eventually talked to Meme, who voiced her concerns about a flip once again. Ultimately, she opted to go with the house.

Then around 8 p.m. Big Brother time, Cirie began to question if it would be best to keep Cameron instead. Cameron wants to target Hisam, just as Reilly does, and making waves with Hisam with this move could cause more trouble than needed seeing as Hisam cannot compete for HOH next week.

Cirie told Meme they are not all 100% on board with the plan, and Meme suggested that they plant a seed with Jag and Blue that Hisam said they are the next targets. This would stack the Week 3 HOH competition in their favor, with more chances at someone who wants to target Hisam winning and prevent Jag and Blue from getting any closer and working with Hisam.

Later in the evening, just before 10 p.m., Cory told Izzy that he thinks Cameron staying would be less stabilizing to the other side than if Reilly stays. They agreed and decided to spread the word that they are sticking to the original plan of voting out Cameron.

We still have two more days until the Live Eviction so this has the potential to continue, and is all very exciting to watch. So stay tuned!


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